
Following on from the success of the inaugural National Conveyancing Week in March 2023, National Conveyancing Week returned in 2024 from Monday 11th to Friday 15th March.

In 2023 the focus was on raising the profile of conveyancers and property lawyers in the home moving process; so often the conduit between the home mover, lender, mortgage broker and estate agent and a role that is largely undervalued, underappreciated and mis- understood.

We continue to see more practitioners leaving the conveyancing profession at the top end than there are joining at the bottom end, and is it any wonder? The profile of conveyancing and conveyancers needs to improve. They are not the bad guys, in fact, quite the opposite, they help people buy their dream homes so that they can live in them and enjoy them as they should. And in these times of frauds and scams, they also make sure that the biggest purchase of their lives is carried out diligently.

In the 20th Century, conveyancers had maybe 10 plates to keep spinning at any one time, now, in the 21st century, it is many many more. And they still keep being added too. The job now is far more challenging than it was, and despite advances in technology, in some quarters there is still a reluctance to adopt and adapt and create efficiencies to enable productivity and streamline workflow. Something needs to change.

The purpose of NCW is (amongst other things) to: Inform; Educate; Assist; Motivate; Reassure; Help recruit new entrants; Improve the profile of conveyancers and conveyancing and ensure fees can be set at and kept at an acceptable level.

National Conveyancing Week 2024 – Key Themes

Review all this year’s online discussions and information sessions. 

  • Material and Up Front Information and the opportunity for conveyancing
  • Creating a digital property market and the role of conveyancers
  • Mental health and wellbeing in the property sector
  • What do consumers really think about moving home
  • HM Land Registry in conversation
  • The economics of the property market and what might happen next

Social Media

Join us on social: #NatConveyWk2024